Saturday, 5 April 2008

music video

Concept based on music of Sonia Brex


  1. hey Claudio,bellissimi i tuoi fondali.a

  2. Guarda chi si vede, Soniuzza...
    E' un piacere lavorare con voi, figliuoli ;-) PT

  3. What a find! Beautiful work here!! really inspiring! Your personal project looks like fun, wish I could see more!!! what's it all about!? cheers!

  4. Ciao Sonia, GRAZIE, devo mettere a posto delle cose, poi si potranno mettere dietro alle figurine che si muovono, ahah. Ciao e non prendere freddo lassu' al nord.

    Piero, ricambio il sentimento anche se mi sembra pure banalmente superfluo scriverlo.

    Ciao Sorrentino, THANKS, thanks a lot for your comment...the project, you mean my comic story"Rosalba"?Or this one for a music video? Rosalba is base on a classical structure of a fairy tales but totally heretic,the other side of a fairy tale I would say.
    Great stuff in your blog ^_^.

    Ciao Nicolas merci, you are a master.

  5. Keep up the good work.


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