Monday, 22 October 2012

Jack - 3


  1. I want to know the name of Jack's Supa Loboto!! You should feature the robot next! ;)

  2. bellissimo! che figo!!

  3. Wow you nailed it!
    Looks awesome Claudio!!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Grant...ahah the Jack's Supa Lobotto is called....J-Robot, not so original but easy to remind.
    On the black robot the japanese
    phrase says "bad monster" ahah but I will change it in "Koredoro", which ironical means "sweet heart" in italian ahaha

    Ciao Claudio, grazie mille, postero' altri lavori con soggetti in stile giappo fine anni 70. Come dimenticarli....

    Ciao sauro, grazie, ho gia' un altro file con soggetto Jack pronto per il web. 'ste cose mi intrippano non poco

    Ahah, grazie Pouch, ne posto ancora..

    Ciao Hobo, thanks, I'm pretty much into it, maybe one day I will publish a short story with this subject

    Kidchuckl, thanks! Yes I will for sure!


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