It' s almost time... the 17 of October some of my drawings will be part of a show at
The Ocean Screening Room
1401 Ocean Avenue, 1st Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90401
To have more informations just take a look on Nomad Gallery
I want to super super thanks Craig Harris for the interest he showed concerning my work, I'm deeply glad for been part of this initiative.
Accipicchia! Complimenti!! ^___^
Commento profondissimo, lo so... ma sono contenta per te!
Very cool stuff, Claudio!
Hey Claudio! I'm a BIG fan of your work and was wondering if your art will be for sale at the show. I drool over the piece that Nico Marlet has hanging in his office every time I walk by:)
Fantastic! I will most definitely attend! Will you be able to attend too?
Sei troppo forte!
Rimango sempre incantato difronte all'essenzialitĂ elegante o potente, al bisogno, delle tue "cose".
perfetto claudio!!!
spero che poi farai un libro con tutti i tuoi lavori!!!
Awesome. Which I was in LA to see the show.
Wow ! thant is great! I hope the show is up for a while! I want to go check it out
complimenti per la mostra!!!
un bacio
Congratulations Claudio!
I wish I could see it on live!
Lucky they are, i would like to be there to see your drawing for real !!!
Congratulations! I wish I lived in California so I could go to this.
Lovely style you have throughout your blog!
Damn. I wish I had seen this earlier. I'd love the chance to buy a piece of yours or even see some in person. Your work is tops!
man i love the look of these!
Ciao Ketty, grazie! Risposta puntualissima...lo so.
THANK YOU Don, glad you like this piece of mine! I'm satisfied with it.
Ciao Shannon, sorry for my late answer here...Nicolas must have a hole on his wall that's why my drawing is still there ahah
Ciao Regis, unfortunately I won't be there, maybe in December for the next show...but maybe not even then...let's see
Davide, troppo buono, GRAZIE! Forse sto applicando al disegno lo stesso criterio che uso per cucinare...pasta e tonno e via ahah
che tristezza ahah, disegno come mangio
Ciao Yaprak, si, sto pensando di fare un artbook, ma prima devo essere soddisfatto...e questo rallentera' di molto l'uscita ahah
Ciao Monkey, THANKS,in December I will be part of another show but I think I won't be there as well...
Ciao Lorelay, sorry for the late answer...the show stayed only one day but in December I will be part of another show. I will write details in time.
Ciao Andrea, Grazie! Adesso sono famoso e potente. Penso che invadero' gli Stati Uniti con la forza per esportare i film di Fantozzi.
Ciao Alberto, GRAZIE! In December I'll be part of another show. But next time I'll show my acrylic with "houses".
Erwannbrun, THANK YOU! In December I'll have another show with more stuff exposed, but I think I won't be able to be there as well...
Ciao Kristen THANK YOU! Where do you live? East coast I suppose....
Ciao Carter, THANK YOU!I'll never be famous, I keep changing my style...ahah
Ciao Pedro, GRAZIE! I'm satisfied with it too, I suppose I had in mind a little bit of Quentin Blake stuff
Ciao Uncle Phil, THANK YOU! In December I'll have another show, I'll make a post with all the details in time. Ciao
Ciao Paul, THANK YOU! I suppose I had in mind a bit of Quentin Blake work while I was doing it, I love loose drawings
I love this one
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