Finally it's on youtube the song I wrote and played of Meka Chan. I feel grateful to beautiful people like Stefano Farci that helped me to record the song, the supermega talented singer Alessandra Congiu , and Piero Tonin that in this situation helped me with the editing. Thanks for your patience guys.
Now, do you want to heard the song and see some colorful images? Just click here
Hi, il link mi da "L'URL contiene un ID video non corretto. "
Come fan di Rosalba mi piacerebbe sapere se ci sono novità in vista.
Non abbandonarla!!!
Ciao Mirko, grazie per la segnalazione ho corretto l'url adesso. Purtroppo Rosalba adesso e' in vacanza, ma appena ho piu' tempo ci rimetto mano, ogni cosa che faccio non finisce mai nel cestino, semmai rimane nel cassetto per molto tempo.
i love it!!!!!! thanks!!!
whoauh man, you are multidisciplinar.
What else you know??
Beautifull project.
fabulous!!! you are genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Il tuo vintage è veramente moderno.
Hai visto che ti hanno dedicato un post su comicsblog?
awesome! great idea love that album cover
That is too awesome!
Love the art!
Tanti auguri a Cla,
tanti auguri a Cla,
tanti auguri Claudione,
tanti auguri Claudiooon!!!
Clap clap clap!!!
tutto questo lavoro su Meka-chan è sempre più curato e verosimile, la sigla è perfetta! canzone, immagini giustamente un poco sgranate, very 70-80 style! a questo punto la domanda sorge spontanea: a quando le prime vintage-animazioni su meka-chan?? sono praticemnte obbligatorie!! :)
Hey Claudio !
It had been a while since I came here. Such lovely stuff as always... i love the Meka Chan clip, it feels beautifully nostalgic of old childhood anime shows ! Take care my friend.
Ciao Riabov, THANKS! I'm getting back to my childhood, that's not good, ahah
Ciao Alex, SUPER GLAD you like it! Actually I'm putting more passion on music than drawings, bad sign, I'll end up with no money ahah
Ciao Vitalik, THANK YOU! I'm living my second childhood
Ciao Alberto, THANK YOU, actually when I was 18 I was seriously thinking to become a professional guitar player but I suppose I had more enthusiasm than talent, or maybe...I had the talent but too much in a hurry to be good, in fact I never studied theory.After all better to keep music for fun, it gives more satisfations.
Ciao Joysuke, THANK YOU ^_^,I really enjoy making those silly songs, I feel I'm more creative with guitar than with pencils in this period of time even if I've more knowledge concerning colors and lines than notes.
Roby, si caspita! E' stato merito della gentilissima Kettyformaggio, e' stata lei a segnalarmi al sito, GRAZIE Katty!
Ciao Paul, THANK YOU, actually the cover looks too much vintage, I think I did something "wrong", it has to look old but maybe I exaggerate a bit ahah, it looks from 50's rather than 70's isn't it?
Ciao Lorelay, THANK YOU! Whatever looks vintage has my interest on me during this period of time. Color combinations were very harmonic, I like that.
Ciao Barbara,ahahahah,si, gli auguri ce li siamo gia' fatti!La prossima sigletta arrivera' prima del prossimo compleanno! Stai pronta perche' ho un'altra ideuzza.
Ciao Fede, GRAZIE! Mi fa piacere sentire che l'appaiamento di scelte risultino coerenti, l'intento era soprattutto quello.
Di animazioni ne farei volentieri, pero'...non me lo posso permettere, richiederebbe troppo tempo per farle come...andrebbero fatte.
Ciao Romain, MERCI! Yes I get back to my childhood as well to be in the right mode to do it ahah.There are many episodes of Goldorak on youtube, dam.... what quality!!!!!!!
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